Saturday, December 1, 2007

Panama - Paradise of living colors

Nature and ecotourism

The word “Panama” has pre-Columbian roots and signifies “richness of fishes, trees and butterflies”. Panama’s rich biodiversity is a result of its unique geographic constitution and its position which creates an intersection of the Americas and thousands of species of flora and fauna. The country offers natural attractions like beaches, lakes, wilderness and forests populated with all kinds of aquatic and terrestrial wild life. Approximately 33% of the landmass is protected by 15 national parks, seven forestal reservations and various protected wild life habits.

Flora in its highest brightness

The worldwide flora consists of more than 30.000 species and in Panama you can find more than 35% of it. In the different areas flourish rangy flowers, moss, lichens, algae and fungi; in great parts wild and endemic. There also grow 678 species de fern and a variety of 1.500 trees across the country.

Birds and butterflies are painting the Panamanian sky

Besides of the migrant birds Panama habitats 967 species of birds. In the highlands of the province Chiriquí you can face the beautiful quetzals and in the wilderness of Darién you can visit the Águila Arpía, the national bird. The national monument of Barro Colorado is a wild life habit used like national laboratory for the Smithsonian Institute. Panama offers 20 of the 27 living species of the avifauna worldwide and 1.500 species of mariposas.

Close to the coast are hundreds of isles and protected coral reef communities. Its remote location offers a perfect place for species in danger of extinction. Between May and September four species of sea turtles lay their eggs at the beaches of the National Park Marino Isla Batimentos.

In the archipelago of Bocas del Toro a lot of migrant birds, depending on the season, recuperate from their exhausting trip. At times up to 50 different bird species can be found on the isles.

In the south of Bocas del Toro, en the province of Chiriquí, you can find the International Park of Friendship (PILA). This park has been declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO for its great importance for the preservation of the biodiversity, not only for Panama, also for the whole continent. The park offers one of the largest numbers of big animal species like jaguars and a great variety of birds. The clammy tropical forests are the last primeval forests of Central America and own 7 of the 12 zones of life that are necessary for the maintenance of the principal terrestrial ecosystems.

The great eco-touristic variety and accessibility of the Panamanian attractions have converted the country in a primordial destination for nature enthusiasts. Expeditions take tourists to experience the boundless biodiversity and beauty of the fauna and flora like all the other touristic attractions.

The Panama Canal, a terrific creation of the human esprit

The Pamama Canal, one of the miracles of the modern world has been terminated in 1924 by the government of the United States and at the 31.12. 1999 assigned to the absolute control of Panama due to the contracts Torrijos-Carterat. The Canal of Panama has a length of 54 miles, from Colón in the Caribbean till Panama in the Pacific.

A ship needs an average of 8 to 10 hours to transit the canal. While doing so, the ships escalade or descend 26 meters through the watergates of Gatún, Pedro Miguel and Miraflores. The construction of the canal required ten years and 75.000 men and women and had a cost of 400 million US-Dollars. The canal opened its gates for the sea-traffic the 15 of august 1914. Till today, 700 millions of ships have crossed the canal.

Today Panama stands out for its nature, ample fishing, countless beaches, more than thousand of paradisiacal isles in its archipelagos and for its people, friendly, hilarious and hospitable. This magic that banished so many adventurers for more than 500 years, it’s still out there waiting for you.

Adventure and sportive tourism

For all of those who have an adventurous spirit or like the sportive tourism, Panama offers an experience unforgettable to you. In Panama you can find expeditions to hardly explored areas and discover a new world full of natural and exotic beauty. Rediscover the same wilderness and forests which has been discovered by the conquistadores 500 years ago, visit mysterious caves with its stalagmites and stalactites or just marvel during the excursions at the cascades and the surprising characteristic landscape of this tropical paradise. Visit the wilderness in a different way from the impressive altitude of the trees up to 66m and enjoy a panorama totally different.

If the green of the golf courts is your sportive predilection, Panama offers the best golf courts in Central America including the only computerized GPS system of Latin America. You can choose between courts close to Panama City at the Canal or courts near the beach.

The Panama's seas, privileged place for water sports

Panama is the perfect place for a lot of aquatic activities like fishing, rafting, diving, snorkeling and surfing. There are five worldwide respected diving areas including the Bocas del Toro, the Coiba Isle, the Isle Grande and the Panama Canal for archaeological and historic diving. The maritime National Park Isla Bastimentos in the province of Bocas del Tore is the first maritime park of the country and includes parts of the Isle Bastimentos and the Isles Zapatillas. Its 13.226 hectares build one of Panamas most beautiful and important marine habitats. The reefs, swamplands, protected beaches for animal observation and the lagoons in the south of the coastal area are very important for the surviving of the precious marine species.

Its remote distance offer sin the Caribbean a perfect conservation for species in danger of extinction. Between March and September four sea turtle species spawn in these beaches. You also can practice kayaking and tubing. The high water content rivers of the national parks Chagres or Volcán Barú have difficult degrees 3 and 4 of the international classification. This sportive adventure guides you through a watery tropical wilderness. If you are looking for good spots to surf, check out the great beaches of Punta Puss Head, Paunch, Bluff in the Caribbean, Bluff in Bocas del Toro, Venao in Los Santos and finally Santa Catalina in Veraguas.

Lake Alajuela is famous for its fishing and other water activities like Water Ski, Jet Ski, Veleros and swimming. Panama also offers excellent fishing in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, but also in the lakes Gatún and Bahía Piña, lakes which hold about 170 fishing records worldwide.

For this and a lot more Panama is the number one for nature enthusiasts, lovers of activities like fishing and sports and those who only want to enjoy a recreative and unforgettable stay which fulfills all of your sportive and adventurous wishes.