Monday, December 10, 2007

Panama - a fantastic place for birdwatching

“There´s the Blue Cotinga,” said the birdwatcher while he quickly marked the bird in his taxonomical list, “this year has been no exception, and the Cotingas offer us their beauty every year during our Christmas Bird count”. With an extension of 75,517 square miles and a wide variety of accessible habitats, the Republic of Panama is home to an estimated 971 bird species, more than what you would find in the United States and Canada brought together.

But that’s not all, from September to April; Panama turns into birdwatchers paradise witnessing the passing through of an estimated 150 migratory bird species. During this time of the year, it’s not rare to be able to appreciate between 70 to 80 different species in one same day.

Recognized as an important land bridge that unites North and South America, Panama has the world´s largest biodiversity, reason why it currently holds for decades now, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute main offices in Latin America.

Birdwatching in Panama is an activity that shows current demand by aficionados, international tourists and birdwatchers, this fact is confirmed by the Audubon’s Society Christmas Bird Count that brings together every year an important number of members and friends.

Audubon organizes the Christmas Bird Count every year in the area of the Panama Canal Watershed, taking into consideration three main observation areas: the Pacific, Central and Atlantic Sectors.

Panama’s rich biodiversity allows experts to find bird species from both North and South America, making it an easy and effortless task. Panama has been known to hold, since the 1970’s the highest number of 24 hour bird sightings record.

The Audubon Society of Panama (PAS), promotes Panama’s avitourism industry working together with important local authorities and representatives such as public schools, rural communities, the Metropolitan Nature Park Patronato, the Friends of the Harpy Eagle Association, among others. Internationally, PAS is the Panama Partner for Birdlife International, the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) and are members of IUCN and the Waterbird Conservation Council.

From the 971 bird species found in Panama, 16 are endemic, 4 have been introduced by humans and 97 are accidental, 20 of them are globally endangered species.

Panama’s preferred places to bird watch are:

1. The Oleoducto, at the Soberania National Park: Only 45 minutes from Panama City, the Oleoducto is one of the world’s most accessible tropical forests.

2. The Escobal and the Camino del Achiote

3. Cerro Azul y the Reserva Forestal Cerro Jefe, less than an hour ride from Panama City.

4. Cerro Campana at the Campana National Park.

5. El Valle and the Reserva Forestal del Cerro Gaital, a quick 2 hour ride from Panama City.

So make Panama your next birdwatching destination, live what thousands have already experienced first hand and witness an important number of the 971 species Panama has to offer!

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