Monday, November 12, 2007

Panama out to conquer the european market

Negotiations and alliances are being consolidated to respond to the current European tourist demand for Panama.

The recent news of the renewal of flights of KLM Airlines is only the successful beginning of a long chain of strategies currently being implemented by the Panama Tourism Bureau to respond to the European market’s significant current demand. With non-stop flights from Schilpol – Amsterdam to Tocumen Airport in Panama, starting on March 30, 2008, KLM will answer the needs of important markets in Europe. “We are aware that the opening of new air transportation frequencies are of vital importance and are one of the objectives clearly defined by IPAT; therefore, the agreement with KLM is an important step”, said Carl- Fredrik Nordström, Deputy General Manager of Panama Toursim Bureau (IPAT). Considering the advertising investment in the European market, IPAT is clearly aware that Panama has attracted the attention of important niches in Europe and having the necessary airline seats will guarantee the arrival of these tourists. Efforts continue to produce results, following the signing of a valuable shared code agreement between KLM and COPA Airlines, which will allow the users of both airlines to travel by using the extensive network of routes offered by COPA and KLM; one in Panama, the Hub of the Americas and the other in Schilpol, Amsterdam. In addition, all members of the Flying Blue and One Pass programs will have the opportunity to accumulate valuable mileage on their trips. According to statistics, an estimated 87,356 European visitors come to Panama annually and their average expenditures range between 650 and 700 dollars

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